Nsukka Journal of the Humanities - List of Issues

Papers for Vol. 31(2) 2023

Communication and Personality: Mother-Daughter
Relationship in Yejide Kilanko's Daughters Who Walk This
Path and Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye

Ibiene Evelyn Iboroma


Text to Screen: Sociocultural Challenges In the Adaptation of
Chimamanda Adichie's Half of a Yellow Sun

Marinus Samoh Yong, Ngozi Kris-Ogbodo


Potentials for Digitized Visual Arts in Promoting Digital
Culture in Nigeria and Other Developing Nations

Ekenechukwu Anazor Anikpe, Chikelue Chris Akabuike, Vershima Joseph Itiav


Celestine Ukwu—the Music, the Message, the Man

Ikenna Emmanuel Onwuegbuna


Streets Sides: Encounters with Migrant Women Beggars in
Enugu City, Southeast Nigeria

Obinna Dominic Ezeaku, Ngozika Anthonia Obi-Ani, Ogechi Akure Ikem


Nigerian Youths, Social Protection, and Desperation Migration

Ogomegbunam Perpetua Anierobi, Emmanuel O. Azowue


Mmekpaahu Olundi n'Ideta Edemede Asusu Igbo
N'Uloakwukwo Sekondiri Senio n'Okpuru Ochichi Uzo-Uwani,
Steti Enugwu, Naijiria

Roseline Ifeoma Eze